
Unlocking Contextual Targeting Opportunities on CTV

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在数字广告的时间轴上,电视正在一个有趣的时刻被数字化. Just as advertisers are able to target audiences on the big screen, their favorite approach - third party cookies - are going away. 这很不方便, 但这也促使广告商在CTV上测试和完善其他目标定位方法. 一个 of the most promising is contextual targeting.

消费者自从使用了定向行为广告以来,就一直对这种广告保持警惕. 他们多 更舒适 使用上下文广告, which don’t rely on consumer data, and don’t feel as invasive, especially on the big screen. Contextual on CTV also makes more sense at the household level. 如果有人在他们的移动设备上观看流媒体,那么行为定向广告就会很有效, the content on the TV in the living room may be seen by multiple people. A behaviorally targeted ad might only apply to one person, while contextual targeting could be much more relevant to a group.

What’s more, contextual targeting on CTV provides value in a number of ways. First, contextual targeting captures attention and 性能更好 与观众. 与受众定位或元数据定位相比,上下文还有助于品牌安全性和适用性. 一个品牌可以确保他们与对他们的品牌有意义的内容保持一致,因为这正是他们关注的目标. 

Challenges are Short-Sighted

情境CTV仍然是一个新事物,有很多原因让广告商犹豫不决. Without standard content identifiers, 广告商在管理跨合作伙伴的情境媒体购买和比较结果方面存在困难. 的 IAB和Iris are working on fixing that, 但其他情境CTV播放器需要遵循标准才能正常工作. 更重要的是,如果没有完整的节目内容,品牌的安全性和适用性就不会有效. Some brands might want to stay away from a show with adult themes entirely, 但另一个品牌可能只需要确保它们在正确的广告时段出现. 一个小时的节目可以有45分钟的积极内容,从上下文的角度来看是有价值的, 但是在谋杀现场之后放广告,这是一些品牌想要避免的. 

广告商深度分析视频内容的能力也受到限制, the way they can do on the open web. Publishers have a lock on their content, and limit access through direct integrations, which slows down progress. This makes it hard for advertisers to get smarter. Publishers are trying to protect the prices they charge for their content, and don’t want advertisers to cherry pick, but there can be a compromise. 

Innovation Will Make Contextual CTV Advertising Even Better

关于在CTV上大规模实现情境定位所面临的挑战,我们已经说了很多, 但有些问题实际上是由于人们认为CTV是显示器的延伸, rather than a new channel with entirely new opportunities. 出版商应该对创新和与广告商的谈判持更开放的态度. 到目前为止, CTV, especially quality CTV is in high demand, 这意味着出版商可以在公平妥协的基础上与广告商进行更多的合作. 

Digital advertising has always innovated over, around and through hurdles, and CTV will be no different. 新的人工智能技术和注意力指标提供了可以完全清除一些障碍的替代角度.  人工智能提供了创造更有效的情境定位的机会. 一项研究发现 contextual targeting enabled by AI performs 4x better than a control. Contextual targeting is already being transformed on the web, and next gen AI is the primary catalyst. 与关键字或url相比,使用生成式人工智能的上下文解决方案能够实现更细微的目标定位功能. 

还有其他一些令人兴奋的上下文方面的进步,显示出广告商在CTV上的上下文广告是多么有创意. 虚拟产品植入使用人工智能选择完美的场景来数字添加产品. 一个 早期研究 发现即使是悲伤或恶心的场景对某些品牌来说也很有效果. 另一个进步是“直接到玻璃”,它允许广告商在整个观看体验中展示广告, which gives contextual a whole new meaning. 一辆卡车的广告可能会出现在动作冒险电影的搜索结果中, or a fashion ad could be shown next to results for Real Housewives. 

这些创新表明,第三方cookie在媒体购买方面的创造力是多么有限. 数字化大屏幕的前景并不局限于在观众看电视时瞄准他们. CTV的情境定位为品牌提供了一个完全可以探索的蓝海机会. 

[Editor's note: This is a contributed article from Kargo. 流媒体接受供应商署名完全基于它们对我们读者的价值.]

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