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第一眼:AJA Ki Pro Ultra Plus

AJA Product Marketing Manager Bryce Button gives 肖恩林 a first look at the AJA Ki Pro Ultra Plus 4-Channel Apple ProRes Recorder.

肖恩:我是2017 NAB百家乐软件app最新版下载肖恩·林. I'm here with Bryce at the AJA booth and we're going to be talking about the Ki Pro Ultra and the new Ki Pro Ultra Plus. 有什么新鲜事吗??

布莱斯:是的. 好吧,Ki Pro Ultra Plus是Ki Pro家族的一个非常棒的成员. Ki Pro家族是一个由播放器和录音机组成的家族. 最初从ProRes编码开始. Ki Pro Ultras是, 今天, 能够做ProRes以及Avid DNxHD MXF, 哪种是本机文件格式. 所以, the original Ki Pro Ultra was designed to be a 4K ultra HD 2K HD player and recorder and the Plus, 当然, 继续,但它增加了一个伟大的, 很棒的新选择. 这就是进行多通道高清录制的能力.

肖恩:这是四个, 独立的, 高清输入,用户可以切换之间,如果它是一个生产视频切换器.

布莱斯:不,你可以一次录完四部. 你基本上可以插入四个独立的摄像头. 它可以是1920x1080或720, 比如FOX电视台的热门节目, 但它们只需要具有相同的栅格大小和帧率. 然后你录了四个不同的ProRes文件. 每台相机一个. 所以你可以走那条路. Or you can say, "Okay, I've got a single camera but I want different file compressions.“不同的档案. You could do ProRes 444 or you could do proxy for the second file or you could the third version, 也可能是标准的普罗斯. 这取决于你,你会在界面中看到它. 我们有GUI,在屏幕上,这四个同时出现. 你给这四个不同的来源.

当您设置原始配置时, 很明显, 如果你用的是原来的Ki Pro Ultra, 你只会看到一个频道. 在这里你有能力来多渠道. You could tell it exactly how many channels you want because if you only plugged in two cameras, 没有必要浪费硬盘空间. 不是硬盘,因为是固态硬盘. 这里有四个通道. As you can see within the interface, this is literally being fed off of the Ki Pro Ultra. That's another secret about this wonderful device is that we have full blown Linux based operating systems with a web server. 这是你在屏幕上看到的实时画面.

当我来到这里的状态,我可以看清楚,我可以发送到1920x1080. 事实上,一直到59.94. That's pretty stunning, you know, you're talking very high frame rate here on all these channels.


布莱斯:要连接到笔记本电脑,你只需插上一根以太网线. 完成之后,你可以看到这只是一个IP地址. Then the IP address of your unit and you could always set that under configuration and network. 很简单. Here you've set it to a static IP address and once you hit return, it just brings up your interface. 刷新它. 好了.

Shawn: This works on any operating system because it's not dependent on a single operating system.

布莱斯:正确. 这就是重点. We wanted to make sure no matter what happens, you can be on any operating system, any web browser. 我们不会阻止你使用你的能力来控制它. 什么是伟大的是在输出上,它总是现场当你录制. 你可以有一个HDMI输出显示这四个. 你可能会选择转换. You're still recording on four but you could say, "Hey, I want to look at the second one full screen. 我担心这个和我的作文.“或者别的什么. 非常务实. 我认为另一件很棒的事情是它有完整的HDMI 2.0支持.


布莱斯:那太好了,因为你可以买到价格更合理的相机. 正确的. Might be 4K-capable and you can get all the way up to 12-bit off that HDMI input and record to the Ki Pro Ultra Plus.

肖恩:就工作流程而言, the recording is done on the same types of drive systems that you've been using in the past in this family line.


肖恩:里面有哪些安全功能? 我是说,一个设备有四个输入. 如果我们断电了怎么办?

Bryce: We introduced something earlier last year, towards the end of the year, called Ki Protect. 假设停电了,或者有人把它拔掉了. 除了最后几帧,它将包含所有内容. So, 随着时间的推移, 头文件正在被重写,以确保如果所有的垃圾, 就像他们用英语说的, 然后你就会真正康复.

肖恩:这是一个很大的特点,因为我记得有一次, 我的作品结束了, I didn't hit stop but the power engineer turned off the power to our setup there before we were done. 这样我就能恢复那些文件了.

布莱斯:是的, 这很关键,因为很明显, 我们意识到人们都在用四个摄像头, 如果这不起作用,他们不会特别高兴的. 停电. 你生活在一个电力循环的国家. 有上千种可能发生的事情. 这会保护你的. 对于很多想要做流媒体项目的人来说, the ability to shoot against greenscreen and know you're going to get really nice greenscreen out of it once you edit and throw the project out is key.

肖恩:那同步呢? 这四个独立的信号在工作流中是如何同步的?

Bryce: The way it works is you'll want to be plugged into the first SDI port first and then add. 你可以从1到4. 所以你可以只吃两个,三个或四个. 一旦你有了第一个信号,从那里开始录音,你就没事了. You might go, "Well, what happens if someone now trips over the cable going into SDI one? 我有麻烦了吗??" No. 在这一点上,它已经被锁定在系统内,其余的将继续记录.

Shawn: Can you tell us about the price point and availability of both this product and the regular Ki Pro?

布莱斯:Ki Pro Ultra,我们最近降到了2995美元. 对于一台4K录像机来说,这个价格真的很不错. 绝对出色的高清质量一直到4K. Ki Pro Ultra Plus的售价为3995美元. 这样一来,每个高清频道的成本不到1000美元.


布莱斯:如果你把它放在架子上, 这是设计成可以放到架子上的, 你可以两个一起吃. 这将在2RU空间内提供8个频道的视频. 它也会给你, 因为我们支持每个嵌入的SDI流的16个音频通道, 你可以在2RU内获得多达128个音频通道, 如果你需要的话. 我们认为我们已经为您介绍了一系列工作流程.

肖恩:当你看到Ki Pro Ultra Plus的商业端时, one of the neat features is that it has four SDI inputs as well as loop throughs for four SDI outputs. You also have four SDI fiber inputs so AJA has products to convert your signals from HDMI or SDI to fiber and it can go directly into the Ki Pro Ultra Plus. 谢谢你,布莱斯.


肖恩:这是在NAB 2017上对AJA产品的介绍. 我是百家乐软件app最新版下载肖恩·林.

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